The Dolphin Trail is a title I came up with to describe the path I see blazed by our animal totem, the dolphins. Conscious people in the last fifty years or so have had a surge of interest in dolphins. First we saw shows like Flipper on television, that exposed us to the charm of dolphins interacting with humans. Then, there were exciting attempts at human and dolphin communication, like Project JANUS. This project was started by Dr. John C. Lilly and the Human/Dolphin Foundation to be able to talk to the dolphins. I was a researcher on this project, and then worked to release the dolphins back to the wild. Recently, we were reminded of dolphin deaths, though the visuals and story told in The Cove. Thanks to the efforts of Ric O’Barry and many environmentalists, not as many dolphins get killed at Taji Cove in Japan.
The image of dolphins swimming together in pods has attracted a following of people that resonate with that sense of community. In the past, I have called it the Dolphin Community Network, then The Dolphin Network and Dolphin Net, and now I describe it as The Dolphin Trail. I am publishing The Dolphin Trail book as a series of articles on my website. I will be requesting interaction with you through comments, the forum, or personal transformative stories from you and others, which may be used in publication.
I am using a combination of digital book and website as a container to build the creation of this series of products. I envision The Dolphin Trail as a book, and a film or video. Thank you in advance for your support in this endeavor.
Ed Ellsworth